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Posted by People=Sh*t:
Actually killers, there would be no point in doing that, because Ryan has already suscribed to all the gay newsletters on the internet. ha ha ha. And what a shocker, his first words back are "blow me". That's definetly are good old Ryan.

Posted by Killers:
no shyt. hey send all gay newletters to Ryans wonderful address below, he'll enjoy that 

Posted by Gonzo:
oh thats really intellegent you dumb ass

Posted by Ryan:
you all can blow me at my e/mail address

Posted by Killers:
Must be a converted Backdoor Boys fan 

Posted by orgazman:
I see 

Posted by 6(sic)6:

Posted by Killers:
oh bad. Unless its one of those deals where he was tried as an adult. But I dont think goat blowing is illegal in Arkansas unless its not your goat. 

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Don't you mean juvy prison. As we all know they don't put 12 year olds in real prison.

Posted by Killers:
or it could be his work release program from prison had run out and he needed to check back in. 

Posted by orgazman:
I miss ryan ,like i missed my piles hanging out of my a*s hole

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Actually, I think Ryan's mommy found out what he was doing and took his internet priviledges away.

Posted by Paranoia:
Yeah, methinks Ryan just got too scared and confused. He must have forgot the URL to the site or something. Anyway, I guess October requires a few more farmhands than the other months in the year. He's probably out pickin' 'taters 'til the break o' dawn...

Posted by Killers:
Heh heh no kidding. Probably out gay bashing also in his skin head boots too. Pretty sad, that dude has issues man. Maybe his "grade school" has teachers conferences today and he cant get into computer lab to write his slander and racist dribble 

Posted by moshmfer:
Looks like you guys/girls ran off Ryan.He is probably stockpiling 12ga.ammo as i type has a target taped up with all your handles written on's all your

Posted by Gonzo:
Lets see... Philly, Philly, Philly.. here it is. Nope not coming there, your not on the list! HEh heh.. kinda like The night at the roxbury 

Posted by Killers:
a great Americian was Forrest Gump ? Ummm wasnt that make believe? If thats the case then Ryan must live in the Bubba Gump Trailer park. But you know... he "posts" under his real name so hes got big balls according to him. 

Posted by richie kos:
when will Slip Knot be coming to philly

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Yea, it's still amusing, and that's pretty much the whole point to this. If someone is taking this guy seriously, then they really need to get some help, maybe even more than Ryan needs.

Posted by Paranoia:
LOL, that wasn't very hard...idiots like him have what I call a "special speech pattern." Yeah, moshmfer, it HAS gotten old, but it's still amusing. 

Posted by moshmfer:
This Ryan thing was ammusing,but it has got old.As a few people have already noted.This is not actually meant has an insult but i am beginning to question the stability of those arguing with him more than i question Ryans.As a Great American Hero once said,"stupid is as stupid does".

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, that was great. I could have sworn that was Ryan, (gay-ass, white trash). Wow that was right on the money with him. You kick a$$.lol

Posted by Ryan:
I didn't invent those people, you gay-ass motherf*ckers! You're white trash for thinking that bullsh*t! I'm not a f*cking moron, either! F*ck you for daring to talk sh*t about the almighty Ryan! (sorry, I just had to do that...from Paranoia)

Posted by What a F#cking Moron:
synonym for Ryan

Posted by People=Sh*t:
I think you're right about that one Killers. Lets see how many does that make now that Ryan has posted under another name just to make it look like somone somewhat agrees with him, 3 or 4, maybe more?

Posted by Killers:
Ginders is gotta be Ryan in disguise

Posted by Van Halen:
whoa whoa whoaaaa Ryans crying

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Man, Ryan is gaining more and more fans everyday. P.S., that was great gazman, LOL.

Posted by COREY :

Posted by orgazman:
Dear miss Grindger, thank u, for your kind words. I wish u the best of luck LOVE o.g.m P.S F*ck u and die, u sad f*ck COME ON LETS PLAY

Posted by Paranoia:
OK, I had to come see this Ryan a$$hole's comments as I was told about on another board from this website...I needed a laugh after a particularly sh*tty day. They started off pretty f*cking bad, but then somehow they got even worse...He calls himself a Slipknot fan and a racist as if those two things should be grouped together. It looks like he's a homophobe more than anything. People who say people are "gay" or "faggots" just because they may not agree with them about something really need to come up with new material, like P=S has been saying. Ryan, if you don't want people to call you ignorant and say that you have a 3rd grade mentality, then come up with a valid argument that you actually can defend instead of saying the same damn thing over and over again! You give Slipknot fans a bad name. Seriously.

Posted by grindger:
dont any of you nob suckers have anything better to do than argue get a life and f*ck off


Posted by Gonzo:
Oh god now he really has something to bytch and whine about. 

Posted by Slipknot:

Posted by BK,the Teen Hearthrob:
Ryan,you imbecil.I don't think we are the ones who did to grow up.We're not the ones who made the childish racist comments earlier.Secondly,what kind of imaginary world are you living in?I'm pretty sure you won't be able to get Corey to come and kick our butts.If you can,more power to you.I think you did to just leave your little dreamworld and come back to reality with everyone else.

Posted by Death:
I think member of slipknot said it perfectly "I'm ashamed of you all" Yet you continue to bitch and whine about your pathetic litle insults. I'm ashamed I came here

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Your the only one that thinks any of our posts are nonsense, and that's because you don't have the capability to use a little process called thinking. And I'm sure Corey wouldn't do anything that a little puss like you would tell him to do. Just exactly what problems of our own has any of us put on you? Where the hell did that come from. Do you ever stop and think before you post anything? Don't answer that Ryan, it was a rhetorical question. Obviously you don't stop and think before you post, because you can't think.

Posted by Ryan:
I love coming to this website because it makes my day better each time I see what what dumba$$ things you come up to say to me.

Posted by Ryan:
I'll get Cory Taylor to kick all your pathetic no good a$$es.

Posted by Ryan:
I can't wait until you f*ckers grow up and start talking smart instead of talking all f*cking nonsense towards me. Go b*tch at the people who deserve it. Stop your b*tching and fight your way through it motherf*ckers! Stop making me your scapegoat and putting your own f*cking problems on me.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
"Smart and post good comments," ha ha ha ha ha O my god that is hilarious. Thanks Ryan I needed a good laugh right after work. I can always count on you being a joke. I'm glad that you have stopped from the racists and gay comments, all though I doubt that will last, but now you're trying to get us to turn on someone else. So the only way you can defend yourself is by using racists and gay comments or by trying to get us to turn on someone else. Yea, that really shows how smart you are. You're not just a moron, but you are also a pathetic loser that's trying to back his way out of a conversation when you know that your wrong.

Posted by orgazman:
Ryan u have a fan. 



Posted by orgazman:
Hello ryan. yes your comments are smart. Smart enough to no,you talk absolute b*llocks LOVE TO THE INSANE O.R.G 

Posted by Ryan:
I know people are pissed off because of how smart I am and wish they could be as smart so they'll say anything they can think of to say to me to make them feel superior to me and make it like i'm stupid. You can call me stupid and ignorant all you want but does that mean i'm supposed to believe you? f*ck no! I believe what is true. And that is that i'm smart and post good comments.

Posted by Ryan:
Okay since you aren't going to quit and think i'm not smart then I'll just let you win. Don't say mean things or try to put down whoever posted as Slipknot and said we suck as many times as he/she could. Oh no they don't deserve it. But a real fan like me needs to be put down is that right? If you have something against me just tell me and don't be stupid about it. It has to be a good reason though or else I'll just type up another "ignorant" comment right back.

Posted by member of slipnot:
I am ashamed OF U ALL

Posted by jackie tharp:
you are the koolest people eva.i love your music!!and my fav. song you sing is wait and bleed.YOU ARE THE KOOLEST!and neva change your music keep it the same as it is right now and fail out on singing!!!! buh bye 

Posted by BK,the Teen Hearthrob:
All right,anyone who has read any of my posts on Slipknot-related articles knows I don't like them.Never have and never will.If you like them,hey,that's your thing.Everyone has different tastes in music.However,this Ryan moron needs a dose of reality.Lay off the racist comments,buddy.I don't care what your reasons are,those comments just aren't called for.Anyone who says crap like you have been saying deserves all the bashing they can get.Next time,think before you type something ignorant down,dillweed.

Posted by none:
Personally, I don't care what your education level is, but you're giving them a lot of reasons to bash your intellect.

Posted by none:
"As simple as that" is an incomplete sentence, Ryan.

Posted by Ryan:
Okay, what I find strange is that you never argued to the person who posted as Slipknot and typed up WE SUCK about 50 times. Here I am supporting Slipknot and you are bashing me for I don't know what f*cked up reasons you have. Just f*cking stop with relating me to a damn 13 year old with a third grade education ok, and everything would be fine. As simple as that.

Posted by orgazman:
Just think Ryan if able love the Gazman

Posted by Gonzo:
jeesh now People=sh*t is not only gay but retarded now also? Ryan Ryan Ryan, please, if you cant argue without belittling a person with your faults, IE gay retarded etc, then you have problems. If your really are in college, then use your mind to have a valid arguement. People wont take you seriously when you resort to childish name calling t otry and get a lame point across. It just shows that your not a mature adult and you really are a 14 yr old kid in a computer lab in some high school in the burbs. You know Ryan all we've asked is for yu to tell us why in your words your feel Slipknot is the Shyt in your eyes, and all you have done is call everyone queer. I dont get it 

Posted by Killers:
Must be an alternative city college due to the fact that your spelling and grammer is around the third grade level Ryan. That and from your comments and arguements dont seem that mature, in fact they seem very "high schoolish". Stating your in college and honestly going to college are two different things. And mail order classes are not college either 

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Once again, you are only making yourself look like a moron with your own words. It's very easy for a stupid person, such as yourself, to get into college. It's called MONEY. There are many colleges out there that will accept anybody as long as they can pay for their classes. And I'm glad that you know how to make a screensaver and a background. Would you like another cookie for that, but you have to turn off the child porn background in order to get it.

Posted by Ryan:
Yeah i'm also in a computer class too and you say I wouldn't know how to make a background or screensaver. That proves you wrong right there people=sh*t. Stop making yourself sound like a retard.

Posted by Ryan:
Yeah it amazes me that you call me stupid but yet i'm in college. I don't think stupid people can get into college. I'll only quit typing up my so called "stupid moronic" comments if you all stop with your "stupid moronic" false comments to me.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Ryan, if you would have stopped your last post after the first sentence that would have been your first post that didn't make you look like a moron, but no you had to go screw it up again. If you would actually read and think about what I'm saying, (which I know is asking a lot from you, the thinking part anyway) when I call you a third grader, it is refering to your level of intellect, not sexually you idiot. You are the one that keeps turning it around into a sexual comment. I wouldn't doubt it if you have some child porn as a screen saver or as a background on your computer, that is if you know how to create a backgound or screeensaver, which I doubt you do. And there you go with yet another gay comment, what a surpise, ryan talking about buttf#cking. I bet you he is using this website as a fantasy of his.

Posted by Gonzo :
Ryan you brainless wonder.. I said I dislike Slipknot and if I remember correctly your the one that started the bashing.The reason Im even in here is due to the fact that Im a former musician and music lover and wanted to see what the following had to say about their band. As far as the "little kids" comments, your the sick twisted fuk that "thinks" we're using it in a sexual way. I mentioned 14-15 yr old in reference to you age, your the sick twisted fuk that thinks we are taking sexual. Its the other way around. Ryan are you a pedophile (another big word for you to look up in class today). And Ryan if you scroll down "YOU" are the one that started all the homophobic comments, are your talking about things you know about? Leave you closet Homo fantizies back in the closet where you and those comments belong. You describe in great detail some gay orgy that in your mind your picturing us in. Are you describing your part weekend ? Your showing your mentality by quoting your a hatred kinda of person. We are not sticking up for each other, we're just laughing together at how moronic you are. If we were not speaking the truth about you by making shyt up, then if its not true, why does it piss you off so much? You cannot call a person a "nigger lover", faggot, queer etc etc in one breath, and then turn around and say, ooooo I was being nice and you blew it. Do us all a favor, since you stated below your a goat blower, seek help. Oh and your comment that the statement that you claim the sucks goats dicks was directed at Killers... re-read what you wrote dumb ass, you directed it at not just non Slipknot fans but everyone in this site. So buy a vowel and catch a clue dude, you dont even understand the shyt you write. I hope your mom cancels your AOL account cause I dont even wanna see what your going to respond back with, you make me sick. Well not really.. you make me laugh more than making me puke. Have a great day you sick fuk 

Posted by Death:
Ryan: chill man we dont pick on you cause your an easy target, we pick on you cause you make dumbass comments and preach about yourself. You are not the one "making" this website, fool, your the one ruining it, with your pathetic little comments trying to explain yourself. If you dont like being abused by an entire website, dont make dumb ass statements and comments. 

Posted by Ryan:
Oh yeah people=sh*t, you are right about everything. Nobody is as smart as you! I didn't mean make this website as in make it myself. My favorite song to crank up whenever I come to type up a comment is I Am Hated. You see, Slipknot do have something in common with me. By the way you people team up on me it seems like you all know each other personally. So the question is, are you all gay? I bet you get into groups of three and buttf*ck each other and then come to this website to see what i've typed and all brainstorm together to see what stupid no sense sh*t you can type to me. It's strange how you will stick up for anybody else except for me. Just because Debbie Seagal interviewed one slipknot member that makes her special? Do you find me an easy target to piss off? If you think you're so tough why don't you go argue with somebody who'd beat the sh*t out of you? I know you're a chicken sh*t. All of you play follow the leader. If you type a comment to me then you have other people who can't think for themselves and type up some more bullsh*t to me. I can think for myself. That's how i'm smart. But you got your followers who just kind of add to what you say to me to make it seem more hateful towards me. It is quite entertaining though to see what people type to me. I don't where you a$$holes get your false information from. You have three people who always talk about little kids. That's pretty sick to me. Stay away from those innocent kids. Third grade must've brought back many good memories for you too because you always have to bring that up in your stupid f*cked up comments. I do feel sorry for you guys for not thinking for yourselfs and continue to type up your ignorant off balanced comments. Keep up the good work. SLIPKNOT FOREVER!

Posted by People=Sh*t:
The one talking stupidity is you Ryan. YOU made this website. Let's think about that one for a minute, that is if you can think for a minute. So, if YOU made this website then I guess antiguy(the actual creator of the website) had nothing to do with it, neither did Debbie Seagle or #4 Jim for doing the interview, or for that matter I guess Slipknot has nothing to do with it, even though Slipknot is the reason why this conversation started. I know that you have had extemely dumb posts before, but I think this one tops them all. How do you keep doing it? Maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are now repeating the third grade for the fifth time.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm the one who made this website what it is! That's why you people keep coming back is to see what I type so you can talk your stupidity right back at me. Because other then that there isn't much on this website.

Posted by Ryan:
You bastards will never understand. I tried to be nice and you just f*cked things up again.

Posted by Ryan:
You bastards will never understand. I tried to be nice and you just f*cked things up again.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Yet another person that sees the light, the light that goes in one of Ryans ears and out the other. Don't think too hard about that one Ryan, you might get a headache.

Posted by none:
Ryan, scroll down, please. In fact, it was you that said, "Being a inbred, I know first hand about goat dick sucking." You can check for yourself. Really! Oh, and since you're so "knowledged" I guess you are fully aware that "an" comes before inbred, not "a". Besides, no one cares who the biggest and most real Slipknot fan is, so you can just crawl back to your holes and ponder aimlessly about what you'll say if you ever get to meet them.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Hey moron, yea I'm talking to you Ryan, it's oveRRated, not overated, and it's "I think I'm GOING TO BE sick" not I am sick. If your a real Slipknot fan then how can you f#ck up their best song ever. And I'm not talking sh*t about you because Gonzo did, i'm talking sh*t about you because you are a brainless hick with a major anger problem and a wannabe Slipknot fan that's giving us real Slipknot fan's a bad name. Once again showing your superior intellect (he started it so I have to finish it).

Posted by Ryan:
I just think that all of you are pissed off at me because you aren't a true Slipknot fan like I am. Don't be mad at me ok. Don't cry, everything is going to be ok people. If any of you want to blame someone why don't you blame Gonzo? after all he's the one who started this whole argument. All I said was something about he doesn't like Slipknot and I told him to leave if he didnt' like them, and for some reason it got turned around on me and the people who do like Slipknot are bashing me. What for? I had nothing against any of you until you started to talk sh*t about me just for telling Gonzo off. I seriously didn't want to argue, but since Gonzo started it, I feel like I have to finish it.

Posted by Ryan:
Where do you faggots come up with this sh*t and turn it around on me? I never said I sucked goats dicks, I said killers did. You are all wrong, f*cked, and overated!!! I think i'm sick from your stupid a$$ comments towards me and it's all your fault. SLIPKNOT FOREVER!!!!

Posted by Killers:
that fit you to a T Ryan? Or did I forget cross dresser in there also ? 

Posted by Next On Jerry Springer...:
Lets meet Ryan the trailer park,mullet wearing transtesticle goat blower! Hi Ryan.. tell us, did Manson turn you Queer ? 

Posted by Killers:
aww hes a pissy cause no one will listen to his Knowledged point. Im personally trying to figure out which one it was.. goat fukker, butt pirate.. or inbred mullet wearing,trailer park trash. Hey Ryan..Jerry Springer is looking for new material like you. I can see it now..... 

Posted by scorpio1973:
Corysgurl - Thanks for making me laugh till my lungs fell out!! Good one!! Spit it out haha!

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Hey Ryan, we all noticed that you took a day off. It was so nice not to read one of you moronic gay comback anger ridden posts for a day. Did you take the day off to see your high school counselor about your anger issue, or did you go to a gay club meeting? I'm guessing it was the gay meeting because your first post back is talking about sucking dicks. What a surprise! You really need to come up with some new material because once again you are only showing your own stupidity and ignorance. So hows your trailer park doing?

Posted by CorysGurl:
HE has a point

Posted by maggot boy:
I see Ryan the goat boy is back to calling you all faggots again. Since hes a Mason dick sucker and a goat dick sucker too, does that not make him the faggot?

Posted by Gonzo:
waaaaa ha ha ha oh man now thats good! Ryan you have to give her credit for that one. heh heh spit it out, heh heh

Posted by CorysGurl:
hey im back. Holy Sh1t, hey Ryan. you have a dick? well then spit it out it isnt yours! 

Posted by Gonzo:
I wont bet thats a given. Hey Ryan, YOU keep writing cause it gives us something to laugh about as to how much of an moron you are. Either way, keep "trying" with the comebacks cause your failing...badly! 

Posted by Killers:
Hey Hey 10 bucks says the fukker sports a mullet also! What an ignorant prick 

Posted by Ryan:
That's it, keep showing your ignorance. It makes me laugh to see how stupid you are.

Posted by Killers:
bbbbttttt hah hah hhah I knew it. You sick fuk

Posted by Ryan:
since you know.. I talk about things I know about. Being a inbred, I know first hand about goat dick sucking

Posted by Ryan:
Slipknot is my favorite band and always will be. And since I can't get my knowledged point across to the faggots who say i'm not a fan of Slipknot can go suck a goat's dick.

Posted by Killers:
hey heh heh hey... maybe his trailer park got hit by a tornado or some sh!t ! bbbttt ha hhah hah

Posted by Death:
people=sh*t: I have noticed, yet there still seems to be those feel the need to tell us slipknot kick ass? At least arguments require thought. I'm not saying we need the typical Ryan type argument, or arguments at all, but a WELL INFORMED discussion would be nice.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Did anybody else realize that there were no hateful or physically threatening comments today on this headline? Did anybody else realize that Ryan didn't make any posts today? Geez, I wonder if these two facts have anything to do with each other.

Posted by Laura AKA "the girl whos obssesed with corey taylor?...o.O":
Slipknot is the best band I know that is out right now. I can't think of any other band that makes me feel better just by listening to the music when I am down. I've listened to the "IOWA" CD everyday since it came out and I'm not about to stop now... CorysGrl we gotta talk, lol, we seem to have the same uhh... interests??...

Posted by TreStin:
Slipknot rulz....they are the best new thing in metal, closest thing to thrash in years.....btw...i'm from IOWA!! Oh and i have met the band several times. 

Posted by People=Sh*t:
No Gonzo, Ryan doesn't represent the typical REAL Slipknot fan. Like I've said before I am a fan of Slipknot and some other people that I know who are Slipknot fans are more like me than the little one a.k.a Ryan. We don't have to tell everyone that "Slipknot kicks a$$ and if you don't like them then f#ck off." People that say that are the one's that will be jumping on to another band in 2 or 3 years and saying the same thing to the remaining Slipknot fans, the real Slipknot fans. I hope that pea-brain went to see his high school counselor today.(ha ha ha)

Posted by Gonzo:
If Ryan represents the typical Slipknot fan, then the future is in trouble! 

Posted by Killers:
standing-O !! 

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Awe-inspiring posting, that's a good one.

Posted by orgazman:
sorry to say this ryan but I have no comments for your awe-inspiring posting. But I must inform u that it was me that questioned your sexuality not people=sh*t. He's only trying to help u overcome your emmense lack of ability to comprehend thought and form in your comments. And as for wanting to hurt mr=sh*t u should try and learn to stop hurting your self when you post these pathetic orgazman p.s u poof! 

Posted by Killers:
And it seems funny too, his comebacks are things we've been saying to him all along and he uses them in his posts to "try" and make it seem hes using somehting new. Gonzo called it in his post down below saying that Ryan was probably some former "Goth" wanna be thats a Manson fan and Ryans comment just proved the fact. Ryan, since you cant read and "comperehend" what you have just read I'll explain it... the 13-14 yr old comments are directed towards you in reference to you AGE, not as in your eyes, a sexual reference. As far as everyone being gay, your the one with the snide (look up the word since your dense ) comments of queer, faggot, etc etc but when its directed back at you, you take offense. Do those words strike home? Does the truth hurt? You say you have problems and can releate with Manson? What? you were anally raped and you get into a role model like Manson who enjoys blowing men? Yeah you have issues. I hope everyone picking on you doesnt cause you to wear a trenchcoat now and go shoot up a school. Its clear by your posts you cant think for yourself and your a hateful little 15 yr old loner. You have problems dude... you needs some friends and a shrink. 

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Thanks for the support Death but I'm not a little one myself. In fact I'm 20 years old so I think I can handle this little high schooler. Ryan, I haven't once mentioned anything about a 12 or 14 year old. And my 3rd grade comment is about your level of intellect nothing to do sexually. After you read a post take your time and think about. I know it will take you a little longer to register the meaning of them than the rest of us. Once again, using the faggot comeback. I also see that you haven't gone to your high school counselor about your anger problem. You really need to get some help with this, seriously. Hey Moshmfer, it's not just Ryan's gay comments that make him look like a moron, it's pretty much all of his comments that make him seem pathetic.

Posted by Death:
Ryan: You stop picking on the little ones. You wanna beat the sh!t out of someone come try me. Now shut the f@ck up stupid pathetic little man 

Posted by moshmfer:
I'm sure there was a time on the internet when calling someone gay may have been an effective weapon in a sh*ttalking campaign.But it is so old and overused now it makes anyone that uses it look like a moron.Completely pathetic.Peace maggots.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm seriously getting to the point that I want to know where you live so I can beat the sh*t out of you and not have to put up with you anymore.

Posted by Ryan:
No you don't understand what I mean. I don't like Manson because Slipknot are their friends. I like both of the bands because i'm fans of them. You sure have a thing with younger kids and stuff don't you? you always refer to things like 12 year olds, 14 year olds, 3rd grade. Lets keep up the stupidity People=Sh*t. You make me laugh in amazement too. Why do you underestimate me? I'm a lot smarter then you think. faggot boy.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Now everything is beginning to make sense, you're a fan of Marilyn Manson. No wonder why you have been posting all of these stupid comments. And just because Slipknot are friends of Manson, that doesn't mean that I have to like Manson. I am a Slipknot fan NOT a Manson fan. There you go making another un-educated comment, you are insinuating (or should I use the word suggesting for your 3rd grade education) that just because Slipknot are friends with Manson then all Slipknot fans should like Manson? You continue to amaze me with how you come up with these moronic comments one after the other. Since Slipknot likes Manson then you like Manson. Let's go one step further. Marilyn Manson enjoys getting blow jobs from men, so therefore you must enjoy getting blow jobs from men. Keep up the great posts Ryan, your stupidity makes us all laugh in amazement.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm also a fan of Marilyn Manson. Now if you say i'm gay because I listen to him too are just contradicting yourselves because Slipknot are friends of Marilyn Manson. 

Posted by Ryan:
Okay so I haven't had a bad life, but I doubt you've had a bad life. I see you also have fascinations with little innocent 12 and 14 year olds since you like to talk about them too. The only thing that bothers me is how ignorant you f*ckers are. That's why I keep coming back to see what you dumb f*cks have to say about me. It makes me laugh reading stuff that isn't true about me or make any sense most of all. I think the three of you should go back to 1st grade and get a fresh start on your education. Obviously what I type to you moronic idiots bothers you too or else you wouldn't keep trying to be bada$$es and talking sh*t to me. I'm the true #1 Slipknot fan. Slipknot forever!!

Posted by ORGAZMAN:
Hey RYAN or should I say B-RYAN-T?? I must agree with people=sh*t..even though it pains me to say you sound like a 12 year old transexu*l deviant who dresses in his mothers underwear..and smells her panties while listening to slipknot. Theres no shame in just admit it!!! I have my problems too..but reading your posts, you just made them all go your a$$ strangling c*ck monster ORGAZMAN!! (Fred)

Posted by slipknotfan from the Netherlands:
yo I want to tell that SLIPKNOTY is the greatest Band in the world. Their first cd (mate, feel, kill, repeat) is a very good cd and "lowa" is the BEST! SLIPKNOT RULEZ!

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Ryan don't even start saying that Slipknot can relate more to you than me and anyone else. If you had to read the interpretations to their songs to know what they are saying then you really don't have a clue of what they mean. And don't even start with me acting like you have had a bad life. There are many people out there that have had a much worse life than you, me included. Also, I don't want to change anything about Slipknot, I think they kick a$$ the way they are, and I don't want to change you, I just want to erase you from existence. On that note good night to Killers and CorysGurl. And as for you Ryan, I hope you wake up from this little dream of yours.

Posted by Ryan:
Slipknot's kick a$$ music and them can't be changed and neither can I. Deal with it.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm more of a Slipknot fan then you. They can relate more to me than with you or any other person who tries to put me down. I just read the interpretations to their songs and they talk about being judged and hated too by people who think they know them. So I'd shut up if I were you people=sh*t and killers and whoever that petite little corysgurl is.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Trying to keep your distance from the word. You just it used again and again. Why don't you do yourself and the rest of us a favor and get off of this website and never comeback.

Posted by Ryan:
You never quit do you? did you not just say "homophobic"? It disgusts me to know that Slipknot fans, the ones who are supposed to be hardcore are gay. Good thing i'm not gay. Yeah I am racist but I have reasons.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Ryan what the hell are you talking about. You are the one that has used the word gay or some other reference to it like "qeer" or "faggot" more than 10 times, while I haven't said the word once. And next time you say "bye" don't start posting again you racist, homophobic idiot.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm ethereal, my children are legion, serial. They stick to me like beloved cysts.

Posted by Ryan:
I think people on this website just like saying the word gay. I try to stay far away from it because i'm not gay like the two people who try to put me down for no reason.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm back people. I think it's pretty funny myself how all you talk about is gay stuff. You love to use the word gay. Why do you idiots think i'm gay when I don't talk about it? I am a Slipknot fan, so don't think i'm not. bye ignorant jacka$$es.

Posted by maggot boy:
slipknot kicks ass

Posted by stupid freak:
Slipknot has the talent of gods and they look gr8t in my eyes so all u bizkit posers can suk my balls

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Bryant, you wouldn't be related to Ryan by any chance would you?

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Hey Killers, you and me are on the same mind today. Bryant is using an argument to say arguing is a waste of time. Think about it for a second there Bryant. And there goes another person with the gay comment. If you are trying to make fun of someone why not come up with something new. Continuously going with the same comment is only insulting your own intelligence Bryant.

Posted by Killers:
should read bitching about arguing

Posted by Killers:
And hey Bryant is your post bitching arguing not doing the same thing ?

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Hey Bryant the only one arguing on this page is Ryan. The rest of us are only trying to help him or soon to be her with his problems.

Posted by Bryant:
I have another comment...All of you arguing on this page is really pathetic..and you all sound gay because there is no point in arguing... 

Posted by Bryant:
Slipknot rules and so does there new cd!!

Posted by People=Sh*t:
There you go. Now don't you feel much better Ryan that you finally admitted it. But this anger issue still continues. You really need to get some help or else you're going to have to change your name to Rianne when you go to prison.

Posted by Ryan:
ok, im going to just let it out. IM GAY. and im 12. now shut up before i get my mom to hack in your computers!

Posted by Gonzo:
whaaa aaa aaa hah ahah hah haha haha good one!

Posted by CorysGurl:
wait a minute. i am not a fan becuase i listen to others bands besides Slipknot?? Now thats good. people in here are right Ryan, you are a bandwagon fan that jumps on whatevers current. im not following whats Killers is saying, i just think its funny how worked up you get when you try and hide the fact that your a rump ranger and try to pass it off on me and whoever else takes offensive to your crap the come from your mouth. well it shouldnt be long now juding from your anger that youll end up in jail and youll really be someones byotch. practice your jaw muscles now ryan your gonna need it 

Posted by Gonzo:
man leave for a couple days and things have changed. Ryan, you are a messed u pperson. I'll admit im not a Slipknot fan, but you do need to admit your gay and need help

Posted by SlipknotFan:
Im Really Ryan Posting Under This Name To Make It Look Like Someone Agrees With Me 

Posted by Everyone Hates Ryan:
wow everyone knows my name, Im someone know. Everyone in the world knows me by my first name! Blah blah blah shut up blah blah blah queer blah blah blah I'm really 12 blah blah blah 

Posted by Killers:
and funny if were not getting to him why does he feel the need to try explain himself in 20 different posts? And Ryan posting your first name proves nothing, unless you really are some backwoods fuk and you were named something stupid like Ryan Ryan...or maybe Ryan Ryanson. Was that close? Your pretty sad when it comes to arguing a valid point also Ryan. People=Sh*t offers a comment about you now and you come back with shut up? WOW your the impressive one. Not bad for a third grade education. Please do everyone in here a favor since its obvious your probably a freshman in high school... start paying attention in class and go see your guidence counselor for your anger problem before your hateful words gets your ass kicked. 

Posted by People=Sh*t:
A real fan of Slipknot wouldn't have to resort to calling someone a "virgin jackass", "f*cking queer", or a "nigger lover" like you Ryan. Good for you that you can put your real name on here. I think you really deserve that cookie.

Posted by Ryan:
At least I can put my real name posted up instead of a stupid a$$ name like people=sh*t or killers to disguise myself.

Posted by SlipknotFan:
I agree with Ryan.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm very proud of you people=sh*t for being in college and having that high of a gpa!!! would you like a cookie too just like CorysGurl gave me to make me feel better? So what would you call a fan of Slipknot? Even the members of Slipkno are nicer then you weirdos.

Posted by Ryan:
I'm very proud of you people=sh*t for being in college and having that high of a gpa!!! would you like a cookie too just like CorysGurl gave me to make me feel better? So what would you call a fan of Slipknot? Even the members of Slipkno are nicer then you weirdos.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Just because you have their cd's doesn't make you a real fan. There you go again with another stupid response. Don't have knowledge on anything? I am only a Sophmore in college with a 3.75 GPA. No knowledge, ha you make me laugh. Speaking of lame comebacks, coming back with the exact same thing that the other person says "Shut the F*uck up" is the lamest of all, right up there with calling someone a nigger lover. 

Posted by Ryan:
It's unbelievable that there are idiots like killers and people=sh*t that don't have knowledge on anything.

Posted by Ryan:
Why don't you both shut the f*ck up! yeah i'm not a fan of slipknot. I only have both of their cds but i'm not a fan. You both make me laugh with your ignorance. Keep up the lame comebacks.

Posted by People=Sh*t:
Ryan why don't you just shut the F U C K up. I happen to be a real Slipknot fan, and with the way you constantly whine and talk about homos you sound more like a Limp Bizkit fan then a Slipknot fan. Killers is right, you can't handle comments towards yourself. You respond with a hateful comment each time. If you really weren't gay then all you would have to do is say that you're not gay instead of coming back with another stupid comment like Killers being a nigger lover. You really need some help, maybe Killers and I can provide some numbers for you. Ha Ha Ha.

Posted by Ryan:
Who said I couldn't handle what stupid comment he said to me? I'm not acting like i'm bad. I don't have to act bad unlike killers. 

Posted by Ryan:
Yeah i'm sorry killers. I don't like gay f*ckers like you. And byotch doesn't mean sh*t. I'm not whining. I'm just telling you like it is and how f*cking retarded both you and corysgurl is. CorysGurl just plays follow the leader because she only talked sh*t to me when she seen that you did. Both of you arent Slipknot fans. You talk about different bands other than slipknot. And what you say to me doesn't bother me. It makes me laugh because what you type doesn't make any sense. If you want to talk like a faggot go find a gay chatroom.

Posted by CorysGurl:
good try ryan, heres a cookie,hope you feel better bytoch! 

Posted by XstraightXedgeX:
*wow* interesting ! Ryan you do act like your bad then killers made a point and yeah you coulnt handle it. your a raceist and a hateful person

Posted by Killers:
p.s and Ryan if you cant handle someone commenting to your post, then you are a bitch and cant handle it. Go whine somewhere else, fukken poser 

Posted by Killers:
hahahha awwww your too funny Ryan.. not only are you a Butt Spanking Homo, but your a queer racist to boot! Man you have help. Rehab would be good for you also. And what in gods name makes you think im a , in your words, a nigger lover? You must live in the backwoods in like Kentucky or Arkansas somewhere and a memember of the KKK or some other gay aryan nation group. Hell I even bet in your backwoods town you still live with your Mom and Wife and its the same person! Whats a matter, Corysgurl and I strike a nerve and now your all pissy ? And since your some backwoods fuk with a 3rd grade education I'll explain it in kids terms since everyone else understood it.. bytoch is slang for bitch which is ust how your acting and posting.. like someones little beltloop bitch that you hang onto since its obivous your queer as a 3 dollar bill. No wonder you like this group since you started posting after someone mentioned "ball hair" and funny that caught your eye and you started posting about homos. So like we've said eariler.. out yourself from the closet..its ok..theres support groups out there for homosexual racists 14yr olds like you out there Ryan! Hell call Oprah..she'll even get you support!ha hah hah 

Posted by Ryan:
CorysGurl, define what a "byotch" is to me? I don't know what that is. Must be a new word that you got from a coon. And killers, you seem like the queer faggot to me. Since you are always talking about queers I assume you must be one yourself. 

Posted by Ryan:
Sure whatever you say killers. How does it feel to be a nigger lover? same with you CorysGurl. I bet you're some ugly fat ass.

Posted by CorysGurl:
God no kidding Killers! Ryan you whine like a little byotch !

Posted by Killers:
see there you go again Ryan with the queer comment. Come out of the closet dude, your totally in denial. Sorry if the truth hurts. If anyones queer its you, juding by your posts. 

Posted by Latvian:
Hi, I come from latvia. I think that Slipknot is great, no Slipknot is greatest band of alltimes. There are meny fans in Latvia. Mach so weiter!!! 

Posted by Ryan:
wow killers, you're impressive. You sure know a lot about me don't you? f*ck you queer.

Posted by XstraightXedgeX:
slipknot tears it up, but there no PanterA!

Posted by this sites gay:
whats with all the fags in here talking about sucking each other off and what not? Ryan, What the f(u)ck, and Noises its totally obvious your all in denial that your gay! Why dont you find the Nsync site and go chat in there and let us real Slipknot fans talk about music. Go butt spank somewhere else jack offs 

Posted by Killers:
no prob

Posted by Gonzo:
ppppttt ha ha hhah hhh no kidding. Thank you Killers, im glad someone finally gets it!

Posted by Killers:
Ryan you dumb ass .. any group played on the radio is considered "mainstream"!!The difference is weather they sell out or not. Trust me that Gonzo person has a great point and view on this. Slipknot will be mainstream soon after this tour, cause like all bands, they'll get greedy. Calling Metallica mainstream is a major no duh. Disturbed, Tool, Godsmack, etc etc are all mainstream also. Also leave your homo "sucks dick and huge ass" comments off the posts unless in your case, its something you know a lot about! Thank you 

Posted by Ryan:
Slipknot does really f*cking kick ass and have musical talent. Gonzo is just a f*cking virgin jack ass. He says that Slipknot will go mainstream and be played on the radio, but what about metallica? They are mainstream now. Metallica sucks dick and huge ass. Gonzo needs to be put out of his misery.


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