Holy Moses - Finished with the Dogs Review
by billy gamble

In the beginning of the 80s metal consisted of bands mainly from the New Wave of British Heavy Metal genre and was very crisp. Several miles away from the British metal scene in Aachen Germany a band called Holy Moses was assembled and fronted by Sabina Classen, who is possibly one of the first female screamers in the history of metal. It wasn't until their 1987 album, Finished with the Dogs that they began to achieve success. Twenty years later, Holy Moses decided to reissue the album with bonus live tracks. The entire album has an on-and-off Metallica Master of Puppets feel wrapped around many guitar riffs delivered by Michael Hankel (guitar), only with a faster and dirtier sound. Specifically in the tracks "Corroded Dreams" and "Military Service" that possess the familiar Master of Puppets sound, only to surprise the listener with a faster and heavier sound. The solos to the tracks reflect those from early Slayer, dripping with screeching flange and face melting speed.The signature Holy Moses sounds are defined in the first few tracks "Current of Death" and the album's title track "Finished with the Dogs" with some grind/thrash beats from drummer Asgard Niels and vicious solos that'd have Kerry King shedding a tear. Ozzy (bass/not Osbourne) has his moments to shine with Death metal lines and Pantera solo fills opening tracks "In the Slaughterhouse" and "Res in Pain" which has an outcome that combines the sounds of Pantera's "Heresy" with a scratchier James Hetfield vocal part. Unfortunately "Military Service" and "Fortress of Desperation" are extremely repetitive with a slow thrash sound that after awhile has the listener begging for a new chord. Overall the Holy Moses reissue is fast with obvious Metallica influences but also a hint of black metal and Napalm Death bass lines. The reissued album comes with 4 bonus tracks that serve up a slight bit more energy than the studio recorded tracks.
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Holy Moses - Finished with the Dogs Label:Locomotive Records (USA) Rating:7.0
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