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I Am Gambit 
with Mike Rapin

When the rantings and ravings of Mike Rapin fill up among his small group of listeners, he turns to the digital pen and paper. Expect nothing less than irrational cries about meaningless anythings and possibly a logical idea here or there, but nonetheless hilarious (for those with a real sense of humor).

If you are under 18 or are easily offended, stop reading now!

Caught In The Web

First off, 300 was the best movie ever. Period. Done deal. End of the world.

Second off, you. Go take a nap or smoke a cigarette...*

Third off, Anna Nicole Smith is dead. Ha!

Fourth off, I come to you today with a simple question--one which I will attempt to answer: Why is the internet so damn addicting? 

I ask this question today solely because I am severely mesmerized by the wonders of the world wide web. She holds me like a starving giant squid or a malevolent Godzilla foe. I cannot help but ignore near everything and everyone when I sit upon a computer and gaze into her murky depths. And oh how deep she goes! As if reading a news blog wasn't bad enough, Google searches and forums lead me to find thousands and thousands of other "things" that keep me occupied until the late hours of the night--lately I've been heading to bed at around 4:30AM with class a mere 5 and a half hours later. 

The severe grasp of the internet has caused me to fill my head with random little blurbs dealing with the entire Marvel universe, or what the iPhone will do next, and even sh*t from that damn twitter site... Why, oh, why does the internet hold me so firmly? Why am I constantly getting on Wikipedia and creating 40+ tabs in my web browser from links on the previous 20 tabs? My answer to this is null. I am lost in the swirling world of the internet... and I can't seem to find a reason as to why anyone would want to use the Jabber instant messaging system... 

It was once said that 'The world is a sad and fascinating place..." and I truly believe this. The internet exploits all that is sad and fascinating. But let us not forget the porn industry! Thriving on the idea of a "personal computer" I know that this addiction alone grinds its dirty fingers into the minds of men world-wide. How amazing it is to just sit on a website and stream free 3 minute clips of some girl getting the sh*t pounded back in as she screams for mercy. I'm sure thousands of guys would love some variety of that. Hell, it beats having that awkward moment at the porn shop with the guy/girl/he-she/she-he behind the counter. 

And like spousal abuse, it doesn't stop; everyday myself, along with millions worldwide jump onto this "information superhighway" and make our way from site to site taking in (usually) useless knowledge. But the amazing part is, people have built international corporations strictly based on the internet. Amazon, eBay, and many others are strictly internet-only and they have die-hard users that have memorized the interface and its customizations; they have written guides and howtos so other non-savvy users don't get effed in the a. It's a mind boggling world if you look at it. People dedicate hours and hours to these web sites. I may sound socialist, but way to go for the community. 

Look at something like in-depth forums. Any Linux distribution has a community and the forums for that community (well I know this to be true for Ubuntu) can usually help with 95% of problems and get them solved within 2 days. How awesome is that? Dedication and knowledge... mind you, I see the knowledge of helping others as severely USEful, but those who sit on the forums and customize it and know how the inter workings work, but aren't even active member are the ones that are useless. 

Let's not forget World of Warcraft... well, we can for now...

I would like to conclude here with a short rant:

Although I am a victim of this internet useless-knowledge phenomenon, I have to say that it isn't all bad. In fact, at times it is quite fun to know the story lines of all six Harry Potter books and the little trivial facts that go along with each of them; it can be quite a talk with others who have knowledge of the Marvel universe and be able to tell them how story lines happened and what the aftermath was. I won't come out and say that just because it's useless information that is doesn't have meaning, but in reality, at times I wish I didn't know how all the applications (100+) on my computer worked or how Jean Grey dying totally threw the X-Men in a new, better direction. The reason I say this is that at times, I know that my final-exams and mid-term exams would have been better than a 3.1 if I hadn't sat and re-watched all the episodes of Arrested Development, Robot Chicken, The Office, My Name Is Earl, and Metalocalypse for the sheer purpose of having some laughs and getting the plot lines and jokes better understood in my head and instead studied for a little more on my school work. 

Again, that useless information is fun, but there are some more important things out there than World Of Warcraft and Marvel comics...

*Please tell me someone got that joke


Cover our ass part: The views expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Thrashpit, Rocknworld, the Iconoclast Entertainment Group, the Pope, George W. Kennedy, soccer moms, pop-punk fans, etc. Note: this rant was slightly censored by the man... only one specific word was altered. You should still know what it is, even with the alteration. If you don't you, you are as bright as a f*cking blackout and should consider sterilization . Love, Big Brother


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