Pull the Plug
Out Special: Clear Static- Rain Design- Megaherz

Usually Eric will tell you about standout
electronic infused music but for this special he looks at three releases
that come out as middle of the road.

Clear Static - Clear Static
It's catchy, it's electronic, it sounds
like the '80s; it must be Clear Static! This disc is filled to the brim
with synth pop beats and finger-pecking keyboard elements, and it really
would have been right at home on any '80s radio station back in the day.
In fact, it's difficult to tell the difference between this and the real
thing. The problem is everybody and their ass have already done this and
a little less corny at that, so it's really just redundant background noise.
But, it's at least pleasant background noise. This sounds like Thomas Dolby
and Information Society interbreeding. Which, come to think of it, isn't
really that bad. Is it? - Preview
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Rain Design - Massacre in an Affluent
The problem with Rain Design is that frontman
Adam Kozak (in fact, Rain Design is Adam Kozak) has so many ideas floating
around and tries so hard to make everything stand out, that nothing does.
I love the many, many sounds Kozak has bouncing around this hour long experimental
trip through electronic/industrial hell, but none of them make any kind
of impression. Kozak's voice isn't especially interesting, and in fact
sounds a lot like a bland version of Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) and
Christopher Hall (Stabbing Westward). I can't say, however, that I'm not
entertained here. Every track is a virtual grab bag of sounds, and I like
that even multiple times through I have no idea what's coming next. I'd
like to see Kozak focus and chisel his sound down to a more manageable
offering, and stick to his guns. - Preview
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Megaherz: 5
Megaherz is yet another German industrial/metal/dark
rock band that doesn't stray too far from the same formula as the rest
of them: repetitive instrumentation (heavy guitars and drum beats), melodic
choruses, and a dark and moody atmosphere. And of course, you have to have
the cool-sounding German lyrics so anybody that doesn't speak the language
has no idea what the hell you're talking about, including all German song
Well, it's a great effort for the most
part, but certainly nothing that hasn't been heard before and better. Rammstein,
Laibach and KMFDM come to mind. In fact a lot of the band's sound seems
to be heavily influenced by said bands. However, Megaherz has more of a
nu-metal sound to them, which for the most part is a bummer. I do appreciate
the great production values and other voice bytes and manipulations going
on throughout. It's a great filler album when you're bored with the rest
of your collection of German metal bands, but Megaherz doesn't leave a
deep enough cut for me to pay any attention to. - Preview
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